We provide proficiency & precision|excellence & integrity| creative analysis |sound risk advice

Directrix delivers a dual offering of
Risk and Management services.

Directrix Risk Services

DRS is an Authorised Financial Services Provider (FAIS) and Registered Service Provider (ASSA) specialising in actuarial and risk modelling and consulting.

Directrix Management Services

DMS offers financial accounting, risk management, compliance and internal audit consulting services.

Call us at 011 883 0170 or Email us at stefan@actuarialrisk.co.za

Taking advantage of opportunities requires more creative thinking than simple analysis of data.
Stefan Swanepoel - Company Founder

Corporate entities are exposed to an ever-changing risk landscape; influenced by technological, economic, political and regulatory flux.

Boards are required to become more involved in considering their risk profile and risk management than ever before

We apply a combination of analytics, actuarial modelling and expertise to develop bespoke solutions for our clients. Clients acquire superior information to incorporate into decision making, integrated risk reporting and capital allocation for application in operational and financial risk considerations.

Our suite of services encompasses a wide range of enterprise and insurance risk modelling and concomitant management, reporting, accounting and assurance services

Our advanced capabilities and collaborative approach provide you with risk advisors and managers that are forward thinking and knowledgeable in preventative risk advice and management solutions. We deliver economically viable solutions through interpretation of risk data, application of experience and innovative treatment of standard and non-standard risks.